Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Late in the morning on November 4, 1992, I was born at St. Mary's hospital in Athens,Ga. My parents named me Jade Chene' Maxey. I was their first born so my name had to represnt something outstanding to them, since Jade represents a gem, I became their gem. My parents met in Middle School and became friends, but did not actually date until their junior year of high school; they got married after they both completed their bachelor degrees in college. My father graduated from Morehouse College with a BS in Chemistry and a minor in Biology. My mother attended Savannah State College, Georgia for two years and completed her course at the UGA with a BA in social work. I have one brother that is two years younger than me who is a junior in high school now. My parents are divorced now but my mom never got remarried and my dad moved on and has a new wife. He hasnt never been an integral par of my life since my early childhood. Although the fatherly parental guidance was much needed, I have not let this be a derrent to me nor discourage me from having a desire to become successful in whatevr I desire to accomplish. I excelled in school and graduated as an A honor students. My mother and grandmother (her mother) provided great support for me throughout my life in all of my endeavors. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

You should know

There is disaster suddenly happening all over the world. Yea sure there have been worst events that have happened in the past like 9/11 or the war but there are worst events coming our way. We are having massive earthquakes to the point where they had to evacuate the white house and i think their are even revenge attacks coming our way because we have kelt foreign leaders like saddam hussein. This is not even the worst to come. The time of the world is slowly coming to an end. Events are happening just like the bible says. Everyone is fighting all over the world. There is mad chaos happening everywhere. Its time to get our act together fast and come to a peaceful time. The word of revelations in the bible is coming alive and alot of us don't even know it. Even if people don't believe in God i still inform them because at least you know and its up to you to take it serious or not.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Life should be enjoyable even if it doesn't go your way. There will be times when you feel like just giving up and never looking back. But you should have somewhere or someone to go to other then counselors, your parents, friends or your hideaway place. You have to believe and pray about situations. Even if a miracle doesn't happen right away God hears you and will take care of you. Your worries will soon be over. If everything else fails, he will not fail you. Just leave everything in his hands. :)


Stress comes not only with school but with your social life. Not just teens but also adults. There are times when people feel alone even if they have do friends or meet new ones. People begin to start growing up and seeing the ones who used to be inside their circle are now changing and is no longer the same old friend from middle school. Sometimes friends start becoming something their not to fit into the real world, instead of just being themselves. So people start trying to meet new friends, sometimes they are able to find that friend they are trying to look for but sometimes they encounter friends who only use them or pretend that they are cool. Having a friend comes with a lot of trust and its harder to trust if they have already been betrayed by someone they really trusted. But only thing people can do is take that experience and learn to seek out the ones who are real and who are fake. Its just the part of life.

A New Experience

College for me is a different type of experience that im trying to get used to. It is a different type of environment for me. Since im a freshman im trying to get the feel of being able to do everything on my own. In high school i was popular i had all types of  friends. Even when i don't meet people they want to meet me. Everyone is here for the same reason and no one is better than anybody. People are trying to get to know new people not just in the same ethnic groups or social class. Its a different feel but a great one at the same time! Im starting to love college!