Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Last week of the semester

Finals are coming up in a week. It's crunch time for me. I have so much work that im trying to get done before my exams, it's ridiculous. I need to get this work out of the way so my exams will be my main focus. Hopefully I will be able to make all A's on my exams, nothing lower than a B though. I can't wait for this week to be over so my Christmas break can begin and exams to be over! School is exhausting! I just want to be stress free!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Finals and Homework

Finals are coming up and crunch time is now beginning. Finals for me on the other hand, is not so bad. I have 4 classes left and only two of them give out finals. I think im very lucky. Only thing that I do hate is having all this homework. That is more overwhelming than my finals. My work is kicking my butt. But I know that it will better prepare me for my exams though. So I have to do what I have to do to pass my classes and get the grade I want. Since I don't have that many finals I can focus just on the two classes that are giving out the finals and not have to stress myself out too much. But next year I don't know if I will be able to say the same thing. I just hope I get this lucky again!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Thanksgiving is only in 2 more weeks!!! I usually help my grandma prepare the Thanksgiving dinner. The meal that we eat every year includes macaroni and cheese, green beans, collard greens, ham, sweet potato souffle, yams, grivilet gravy, cornbread, potato salad, and of course the turkey and dressing. My grandma always get down in the kitchen! But the lady who gets down more than my grandama, is my aunt Betty. She makes the same thing but even more. She has homemade cakes, ribs, different types of chicken if someone doesn't eat turkey, gizzards, chitlins, and much more. My aun't's house is usually where all my other relatives go eat at. I eat at my grandma's house so that I can spend time with my immediate family. Then I go eat to my aunt's house to spend time with all my other relatives that go over there to eat. Thanksgving is the best time of the year for me. I get to spend time with all my loved ones and best of all I get to eat for days! :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Knowing what's real

Friends are good to have. But the only thing about friends is that they are not always what they say they are. Some people fake to be your friend. Either to benefit themselves or to make you fall down. Everyone cannot be trusted. You have to know those friends who have been there for you, watched you cry, took care of you while you hurt, and who just has your back no matter what. Those friends are what we call true/real friends and they are not easy to find. People change everyday so some of the friends or best friends you once had, will grow apart from you and start making new friends and a new life. But the ones who stay by your side and includes you in their new life are the ones who are your true/real friends. Those friends will always be there for you and that friendship will be the most meaningful and long lasting friendship you will ever have.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Officially 19!

I have only one more day until its my birthday! November 4, 1992 to be exact is when I was born. November is a month that always creeps up on me. November to me is the best month because after my birthday comes Thanksgiving. I don't know which one I'm  more excited for because both are my favorite days besides Christmas. This year my birthday falls on a Friday and I love that because I can actually celebrate my birthday on its actual day. Everyone is out of school and I can spend time with my family without them being tired and exhausted. My birthday is usually good every year but I think this year will top all the years of my birthday except for my 21st birthday. I can't wait until tomorrow!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I love Halloween! I love watching the little kids get all dressed up, the halloween decorations, the parties, and most of all the candy. Halloween brings out the kid in us adults. We dress up and go trick or treating and its okay because thats one night where we can just enjoy ourselves and have fun. We also go out and trick or treat with little kids. Lastnight I went to a halloween get together and some college students were dressed up in their costumes. Just like how I was this weekend when I went to another party at a mansion where I dressed up in my costume as a cute leopard. I love that this is the only day where I won't be judged and I can truly have some fun!