Thursday, September 29, 2011

Awake All Night

Last night i didnt go to sleep at all. I was up doing homework all night. Iam very determined to get all my work done and turned in on time. To be a good student, we may have to go that extra mile so we can stay on top. I push my self a little more everyday. I am willing to sacriface a little sleep or no sleep at all as long as I get everything done. In college, everybody knows it hectic and we get work sometimes that may get overwhelming but the harder we work, the less worrying we will have to deal with when its time for grades. Grades are the reason that keeps us in school. When we graduate jobs look at what we did when we were in school and what types of grades we make. This will be part of the qualifications that will get us the job. So its a good thing to work hard because at the end it will all pay off!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Class Cancelled

Im glad english has been cancelled for the last week now. I have gotten alot if stuff done. It gave me extra time in my day to eat, relax, prepare for my next class, and study. At first i was mad because i had to take this long stroll to class and i would have to wake up early. I could of stayed at home in bed a little bit longer. But at the same time im glad that i was up and getting everything i need done, DONE! I hope my teacher was okay when she was out but i still wish she would cancel class again sometime this semester. Last week was a great week!:)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I hate seeing people under bridges, in alleys, on the sidewalk, even in front of stores. These people are what we call homeless. Day and night they are trying to find somewhere to live, eat, and sleep. Sometimes homeless people don't ever ask for anything. They feel embrassed to the point where if they really needed something they won't ask or beg they would just get it however they can. Seeing this almost everyday makes me sad. There are tons of people who make some kind of profit and they can't even give someone less forunate than them a penny. Even if they may think they will use your money for other things besides food, water, or clothes, they still should give because God sees your good deed and he will bless you regardless. Be grateful for what you do have and don't be a stick in the mud over things you don't have because there are millions of people in need of the basic needs you already have.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Test Day!

Test days are the worst days! I get test anxiety. I stress my self out for no reason. Even if i know the material, i go to tutoring and ask questions that i already know. I feel like i will retain the information better! I stress the most on the simplest things. Why?..I guess since im just afraid of failure so i push my self more than what i need to do. I need to learn how to relax and breathe. Eating a good breakfast and good night sleep would help alot. But iam so worrried that it is least of my concern. I really need help in this area!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What If?...

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel the world?...There have been recent times where people have tried to travel the world and have not succeeded. I want to try so bad to fly over the world looking a different places, people, land, homes, etc. I want to see what other parts of the world hold. I feel the people who tried to travel the world didn't make it because either they ran into a bad storm, plane malfunctioned for some odd reason, or some sort of bad luck happened. I really don't know what happened but im terrified to even see if i could make it half way. Since there are so many accidents that have happened, I just don't want to be the one on ABC or Fox 5 found dead or missing. Maybe one day when im older and i want to really live life like it was my last i might give it a try!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Stressing at times

 Stress and tirednesses is coming in and out. I have 5 classes and each of my classes i have assigned work due almost everyday. It seems like i have so much to do in such a lil time. Im already stressing trying to make sure i remember to do all of it and all of its correct. I am the type of person where everything has to be my best work. I will not turn an assignment in if it looks like last minute work. Even though it seems like i stay in my books, I also have a social life that i attend to and sometimes its hard to juggle both my books and friends. Sometimes i stay up later to finish work and hang out with my friends beforehand or vice versa, which ever way im still able to get my school work done. This causes me to become tired and worn out at times. Even though i think i have time managment i think ima have to work a little harder so i won't over do myself!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Parents, you can't live with them and you can't live without them. Parents can be the most annoying people you ever encounter in your life. But they are also the ones who care the most about you. Even if they may nag, call all the time to check up on you, or treat you as though you are still their little boy or girl, its just out of all the love they have for you. You are their precious jewel and you mean the world to them. Parents are there for you through thick and thin. If they were to leave you from this world today, you would be lost and wouldn't know what to do. You should preciate and love your parents as much as you can because you don't know when its their time or yours.