Thursday, September 29, 2011

Awake All Night

Last night i didnt go to sleep at all. I was up doing homework all night. Iam very determined to get all my work done and turned in on time. To be a good student, we may have to go that extra mile so we can stay on top. I push my self a little more everyday. I am willing to sacriface a little sleep or no sleep at all as long as I get everything done. In college, everybody knows it hectic and we get work sometimes that may get overwhelming but the harder we work, the less worrying we will have to deal with when its time for grades. Grades are the reason that keeps us in school. When we graduate jobs look at what we did when we were in school and what types of grades we make. This will be part of the qualifications that will get us the job. So its a good thing to work hard because at the end it will all pay off!

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