Thursday, December 1, 2011


Since the breaks are back to back I have been going home alot. Then when I come back to school, I get a lil sad and lonely. I never would think that I would ever happen get this way. I miss home so much. It is a good thing but at the same time its bad. Now I'm going to want to go home more often and I won't be able to because I won't have a ride down to home. But when I get my car next year I have a feeling I will be at home every weekend. Sometimes I wish I went to school farther than Macon so even if I had a car it would just be to far to drive. I love my family. Ever since I started living on my own I miss them more and more. It gets so hard sometimes to be away from them, since I'm so used to being around them. I might as well get used to it though because im going to be feelin like this for a while. #Homesick

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Last week of the semester

Finals are coming up in a week. It's crunch time for me. I have so much work that im trying to get done before my exams, it's ridiculous. I need to get this work out of the way so my exams will be my main focus. Hopefully I will be able to make all A's on my exams, nothing lower than a B though. I can't wait for this week to be over so my Christmas break can begin and exams to be over! School is exhausting! I just want to be stress free!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Finals and Homework

Finals are coming up and crunch time is now beginning. Finals for me on the other hand, is not so bad. I have 4 classes left and only two of them give out finals. I think im very lucky. Only thing that I do hate is having all this homework. That is more overwhelming than my finals. My work is kicking my butt. But I know that it will better prepare me for my exams though. So I have to do what I have to do to pass my classes and get the grade I want. Since I don't have that many finals I can focus just on the two classes that are giving out the finals and not have to stress myself out too much. But next year I don't know if I will be able to say the same thing. I just hope I get this lucky again!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Thanksgiving is only in 2 more weeks!!! I usually help my grandma prepare the Thanksgiving dinner. The meal that we eat every year includes macaroni and cheese, green beans, collard greens, ham, sweet potato souffle, yams, grivilet gravy, cornbread, potato salad, and of course the turkey and dressing. My grandma always get down in the kitchen! But the lady who gets down more than my grandama, is my aunt Betty. She makes the same thing but even more. She has homemade cakes, ribs, different types of chicken if someone doesn't eat turkey, gizzards, chitlins, and much more. My aun't's house is usually where all my other relatives go eat at. I eat at my grandma's house so that I can spend time with my immediate family. Then I go eat to my aunt's house to spend time with all my other relatives that go over there to eat. Thanksgving is the best time of the year for me. I get to spend time with all my loved ones and best of all I get to eat for days! :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Knowing what's real

Friends are good to have. But the only thing about friends is that they are not always what they say they are. Some people fake to be your friend. Either to benefit themselves or to make you fall down. Everyone cannot be trusted. You have to know those friends who have been there for you, watched you cry, took care of you while you hurt, and who just has your back no matter what. Those friends are what we call true/real friends and they are not easy to find. People change everyday so some of the friends or best friends you once had, will grow apart from you and start making new friends and a new life. But the ones who stay by your side and includes you in their new life are the ones who are your true/real friends. Those friends will always be there for you and that friendship will be the most meaningful and long lasting friendship you will ever have.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Officially 19!

I have only one more day until its my birthday! November 4, 1992 to be exact is when I was born. November is a month that always creeps up on me. November to me is the best month because after my birthday comes Thanksgiving. I don't know which one I'm  more excited for because both are my favorite days besides Christmas. This year my birthday falls on a Friday and I love that because I can actually celebrate my birthday on its actual day. Everyone is out of school and I can spend time with my family without them being tired and exhausted. My birthday is usually good every year but I think this year will top all the years of my birthday except for my 21st birthday. I can't wait until tomorrow!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I love Halloween! I love watching the little kids get all dressed up, the halloween decorations, the parties, and most of all the candy. Halloween brings out the kid in us adults. We dress up and go trick or treating and its okay because thats one night where we can just enjoy ourselves and have fun. We also go out and trick or treat with little kids. Lastnight I went to a halloween get together and some college students were dressed up in their costumes. Just like how I was this weekend when I went to another party at a mansion where I dressed up in my costume as a cute leopard. I love that this is the only day where I won't be judged and I can truly have some fun!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Other places in the world

When I graduate from college I want to take a trip to Hawaii or Las Vegas. I have never taken a trip outside of Georgia. I want to see what the rest of the world has to offer. If I could travel the whole world I would. Hawaii to me would be a peaceful place I could go visit to clear my mind and take a break from the world. It is a nice vacation spot and thats a place where I would forever want to go to and maybe even move to. But Las Vegas I would love to be apart of their night life and enjoy all the fun they offer. Las Vegas is the perfect place everyone, I think,would want to go and visit. Only thing about Las Vegas is that it's expensive and if you want to visit or either want to move there, you definitely have to financially prepared. Don't get me wrong you have to have money to go to New York as well but I think Las Vegas has it beat. So as time progresses I am going to have to save,save,save to be able take one or both of my trips in the future.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cigarettes are Gross

The smell of cigarettes grosses me out. I don't see how people can smoke those things. They give you bad breath and cancer. The fact that companies promote smoking cigarettes so much makes me so mad. We are trying to get people to stop smoking and turn to a more healthier solution to deal with their problems. But companies don't care about anything but making money. Companies are even making new improvements on cigarettes so that more people can smoke such as the electronic cigarettes which provide smokers with an innovative, high-tech alternative to traditional cigarettes. It has a flavorful, full-bodied vapor that offers the sensation and satisfaction of traditional cigarette smoking without the offensive smell, flame, or dirty ash of analogue cigarettes and can be enjoyed in many places traditional smoking is prohibited. Shaking my head at this power of technology. I wish smoking cigarettes were illegal. People will one day regret smoking and when that day comes it will be to late. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bipolar weather

Earlier this week I was wearing sandals, then rain boots, and now snow boots. Macon weather is so bipolar. One minute its hot, then its raining, and now its so cold that its time for winter clothes. I think it deals with more of global warming and how society is making the problem worse because of all the pollution and other issues that effect the equator. In the past when I was younger the temperatures were constant. Meaning when its time for it to be hot it stayed hot and when its time for the cold season to come up it gets cold and doesn't change up and down like this weather is now. Also it seems like it gets colder every year as well as getting hotter. Global warming is definitely a big factor in the temperature change that has been going on in the world.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Living in the residence life for students on weekends are getting ridiculous. It is so boring there. We can't have parties, anything loud is not allowed, and the people are to themselves. Even though I dont mind the school being that way at all, it keeps me focus. But on the weekends when you have no homework, no studying, or no papers to write. A party or something exciting should be happening in the residence life. I understand that the school has activities sometimes to get students out the house and active on the weekends. But that gets old sometimes and we young adults like to have fun without being told what to do. That may eventually end into to something bad but it doesnt have to. We are responsible enough for ourselves and we should be able handle situations on our own. Since I have no transportation of my own, it is getting frustrating sometimes to keep having to depend on others and most of the time students leave on the weekend. I can't until next year to get my own ride and to be able to go anywhere and whenever I feel like it. No more boring days for me.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Power of the Phone

My cell phone I feel is my life. I have to have it no matter what. I have had a phone since the 6th grade and since then i have always had one. I have never missed a bill and if i lose it i will get one if not the same day the next day. When I was younger and used to get in trouble my mom always knew to take my phone because without it she knew i would be miserable. That was the best punishment for her and the most awful thing anyone could do to me. My phone is so valuable to me. I absolutely can't live without it. I'm the type of person that cant stay bored for a long period of time. So if technology was never invented I don't know how i would live my life.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Class is OVER!

Im so glad that one of my five classes is over with. Its a first session class and it will officially be over today after i give my presentation over this six page paper i have been working on for the past 2 weeks. I have been stressing because that class is not the only class i have to deal with. I have tests and other assignments i have to do for my other classes. But now since that class is almost over with i have more time on my hands to relax and have some me time! My reward for all my hard work has came quicker than what i thought it would have did. =)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Awake All Night

Last night i didnt go to sleep at all. I was up doing homework all night. Iam very determined to get all my work done and turned in on time. To be a good student, we may have to go that extra mile so we can stay on top. I push my self a little more everyday. I am willing to sacriface a little sleep or no sleep at all as long as I get everything done. In college, everybody knows it hectic and we get work sometimes that may get overwhelming but the harder we work, the less worrying we will have to deal with when its time for grades. Grades are the reason that keeps us in school. When we graduate jobs look at what we did when we were in school and what types of grades we make. This will be part of the qualifications that will get us the job. So its a good thing to work hard because at the end it will all pay off!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Class Cancelled

Im glad english has been cancelled for the last week now. I have gotten alot if stuff done. It gave me extra time in my day to eat, relax, prepare for my next class, and study. At first i was mad because i had to take this long stroll to class and i would have to wake up early. I could of stayed at home in bed a little bit longer. But at the same time im glad that i was up and getting everything i need done, DONE! I hope my teacher was okay when she was out but i still wish she would cancel class again sometime this semester. Last week was a great week!:)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I hate seeing people under bridges, in alleys, on the sidewalk, even in front of stores. These people are what we call homeless. Day and night they are trying to find somewhere to live, eat, and sleep. Sometimes homeless people don't ever ask for anything. They feel embrassed to the point where if they really needed something they won't ask or beg they would just get it however they can. Seeing this almost everyday makes me sad. There are tons of people who make some kind of profit and they can't even give someone less forunate than them a penny. Even if they may think they will use your money for other things besides food, water, or clothes, they still should give because God sees your good deed and he will bless you regardless. Be grateful for what you do have and don't be a stick in the mud over things you don't have because there are millions of people in need of the basic needs you already have.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Test Day!

Test days are the worst days! I get test anxiety. I stress my self out for no reason. Even if i know the material, i go to tutoring and ask questions that i already know. I feel like i will retain the information better! I stress the most on the simplest things. Why?..I guess since im just afraid of failure so i push my self more than what i need to do. I need to learn how to relax and breathe. Eating a good breakfast and good night sleep would help alot. But iam so worrried that it is least of my concern. I really need help in this area!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What If?...

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel the world?...There have been recent times where people have tried to travel the world and have not succeeded. I want to try so bad to fly over the world looking a different places, people, land, homes, etc. I want to see what other parts of the world hold. I feel the people who tried to travel the world didn't make it because either they ran into a bad storm, plane malfunctioned for some odd reason, or some sort of bad luck happened. I really don't know what happened but im terrified to even see if i could make it half way. Since there are so many accidents that have happened, I just don't want to be the one on ABC or Fox 5 found dead or missing. Maybe one day when im older and i want to really live life like it was my last i might give it a try!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Stressing at times

 Stress and tirednesses is coming in and out. I have 5 classes and each of my classes i have assigned work due almost everyday. It seems like i have so much to do in such a lil time. Im already stressing trying to make sure i remember to do all of it and all of its correct. I am the type of person where everything has to be my best work. I will not turn an assignment in if it looks like last minute work. Even though it seems like i stay in my books, I also have a social life that i attend to and sometimes its hard to juggle both my books and friends. Sometimes i stay up later to finish work and hang out with my friends beforehand or vice versa, which ever way im still able to get my school work done. This causes me to become tired and worn out at times. Even though i think i have time managment i think ima have to work a little harder so i won't over do myself!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Parents, you can't live with them and you can't live without them. Parents can be the most annoying people you ever encounter in your life. But they are also the ones who care the most about you. Even if they may nag, call all the time to check up on you, or treat you as though you are still their little boy or girl, its just out of all the love they have for you. You are their precious jewel and you mean the world to them. Parents are there for you through thick and thin. If they were to leave you from this world today, you would be lost and wouldn't know what to do. You should preciate and love your parents as much as you can because you don't know when its their time or yours.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Late in the morning on November 4, 1992, I was born at St. Mary's hospital in Athens,Ga. My parents named me Jade Chene' Maxey. I was their first born so my name had to represnt something outstanding to them, since Jade represents a gem, I became their gem. My parents met in Middle School and became friends, but did not actually date until their junior year of high school; they got married after they both completed their bachelor degrees in college. My father graduated from Morehouse College with a BS in Chemistry and a minor in Biology. My mother attended Savannah State College, Georgia for two years and completed her course at the UGA with a BA in social work. I have one brother that is two years younger than me who is a junior in high school now. My parents are divorced now but my mom never got remarried and my dad moved on and has a new wife. He hasnt never been an integral par of my life since my early childhood. Although the fatherly parental guidance was much needed, I have not let this be a derrent to me nor discourage me from having a desire to become successful in whatevr I desire to accomplish. I excelled in school and graduated as an A honor students. My mother and grandmother (her mother) provided great support for me throughout my life in all of my endeavors. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

You should know

There is disaster suddenly happening all over the world. Yea sure there have been worst events that have happened in the past like 9/11 or the war but there are worst events coming our way. We are having massive earthquakes to the point where they had to evacuate the white house and i think their are even revenge attacks coming our way because we have kelt foreign leaders like saddam hussein. This is not even the worst to come. The time of the world is slowly coming to an end. Events are happening just like the bible says. Everyone is fighting all over the world. There is mad chaos happening everywhere. Its time to get our act together fast and come to a peaceful time. The word of revelations in the bible is coming alive and alot of us don't even know it. Even if people don't believe in God i still inform them because at least you know and its up to you to take it serious or not.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Life should be enjoyable even if it doesn't go your way. There will be times when you feel like just giving up and never looking back. But you should have somewhere or someone to go to other then counselors, your parents, friends or your hideaway place. You have to believe and pray about situations. Even if a miracle doesn't happen right away God hears you and will take care of you. Your worries will soon be over. If everything else fails, he will not fail you. Just leave everything in his hands. :)


Stress comes not only with school but with your social life. Not just teens but also adults. There are times when people feel alone even if they have do friends or meet new ones. People begin to start growing up and seeing the ones who used to be inside their circle are now changing and is no longer the same old friend from middle school. Sometimes friends start becoming something their not to fit into the real world, instead of just being themselves. So people start trying to meet new friends, sometimes they are able to find that friend they are trying to look for but sometimes they encounter friends who only use them or pretend that they are cool. Having a friend comes with a lot of trust and its harder to trust if they have already been betrayed by someone they really trusted. But only thing people can do is take that experience and learn to seek out the ones who are real and who are fake. Its just the part of life.

A New Experience

College for me is a different type of experience that im trying to get used to. It is a different type of environment for me. Since im a freshman im trying to get the feel of being able to do everything on my own. In high school i was popular i had all types of  friends. Even when i don't meet people they want to meet me. Everyone is here for the same reason and no one is better than anybody. People are trying to get to know new people not just in the same ethnic groups or social class. Its a different feel but a great one at the same time! Im starting to love college!